Tuesday, November 1, 2011

WaMboL Gear Night

Its time for the Men and boys night out. JOin us to help celebrate the official announcement of 2012 Rocky Mountain LeatherSir Sir Creig and 2012 Rocky Mountain Leatherboy boy darin. Fun begins at 9:00 PM at Club TryAngles.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Formal Announcement of Rocky Mountain LeatherSir/ Leatherboy and Community Bootblack

Congratulations to the new RMLSb/CBB 2012 Titleholders
Rocky Mountain LeatherSIR - Sir Creig
Rocky Mountain Leatherboy - boy Darin
Rocky Mountain Community Bootblack - Jareth

New Producer, Brian Conway. is proud to announce the Rocky Mountain Leather Sir/boy contest. The Leather Sir/boy contest grew out of the now defunct International Mr. Drummer & Drummer boy contests started decades ago before by Drummer Magazine in San Francisco, CA.These contests began then and remain today a celebration of male leather sex and leather sex play. The primary goal of the contest winners and of the titles themselves is education, networking, and outreach expressing the eroticism, traditions, and history of gay leathermen worldwide.

The Leather Sir/boy contest is open to gay leathermen and leather boys living in the Rocky Mountain Region of the U.S. (Colorado, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming). The contest categories include a judged interview, formal speech, physique (expressed by contestants in jock straps), and performance of a leather sex fantasy. Contestants may be sponsored by a club, business, individual or may be self sponsored, but all contestants must agree to the list of specific contestant qualifications. 

As part of the leather weekend we will also host a competition for Community Bootblack. Unlike the Leather Sir/boy contest, Community Bootblack is open to any person of any gender identity. Bootblacks will be judged on interview, formal speech, technical bootblacking/shine abilities, and interpersonal skills/observation. This contest also focuses on the sexual aspects of the exchange between the bootblack and the customer. 

The winners of both the Leather Sir/boy contest and the Community Bootblack contest will be obligated to compete at the International Leather Sir/boy/CBB competition the following year. The international contest will follow the same judging criteria as the regional contests except at the International contest, each region will receive a specific theme around which to build their “fantasy” for the fantasy aspect of the competition. There are 16 separate regions in the U.S. Regional winners must also appear back at the regional contest the following year to present the title to the next year’s winners. Titleholders will be expected to serve as ambassadors for their region and are expected to travel to other leather events around the world to promote the leather philosophy and lifestyle as well as to reach out to those who are curious or new to the scene to provide for them a conduit into the community. 

It is with great honor that we introduce to Denver and the Rockies the Rocky Mountain Leather Sir/boy contest and the Community Bootblack Contest. We encourage you to get in on all the fun by attending, and for those of you who are interested and meet the entry criteria, we encourage you to compete! 
Rocky Mountain LeatherSIR and Leatherboy serve as ambassadors: for their region; for their LeatherSIR / Leatherboy family; and, when travelling abroad, for their leather community. Titleholders are encouraged to attend leather and gay community events in the region; promote the LeatherSIR / Leatherboy / Community Boot Black contests and philosophy; and to reach out to those who are interested or curious about the leather/fetish community, and our history and traditions."

Friday, October 7, 2011

November Leather/Gear Night

Hey Everyone
Don't forget that tonight is our monthly Leather & Gear Night. 10:00 PM at Club Try-Angles. Hope you all can make it out. Question is do I wear leather or do I wear some other gear?
boy darin

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

November fundraiser

So I've kind of delayed in posting this, but it's time to start planning. We will be sending some representation to several International Leather Sir/boy contests this year. (More to come I promise. just waiting for the regional release.) As such, we will need to host several fundraising events to raise money to get our club members to the Thunder in the Mountains competition in July, and to International Leather Sir/Boy Community bootblack in San Francisco the end of July.

One of our first events we will be hosting will be the Wax-A-Bear event in November. This is going to be a fun event where we will have several hairy volunteers getting waxed while the rest of us watch and enjoy. Guests of the event will bid for a chance to rip the wax strip off of one of our volunteers. Since it IS utah and we will have to obey public decency laws, there will not be any waxing in bikini areas. If you are interested in helping out with this event, either as a hairy waxing volunteer or as an auctioneer, etc. Please contact boy darin or myself and we can clue you in on some of the details. We will also have a spring fundraising effort as well so if you can't participate this time, we'd love to have you help with the next.

Thanks guys. We all appreciate your support.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Boys on Film 9/17 Warrior @ Megaplex Gateway

Hi Everyone!

So we will be hosting our first boys on Film night at the Gateway on Saturday 9/17 at 6:50 PM. We will be getting our tickets at the box office at gateway at 6:20 PM that day and then we can all head in to the film. Hope to see you all there!

Also I have changed the Poll with some October Options so lets get voting!

Leatherati and other stuff

Hi Guys
Just wanted to let you all know that our events are now listed on Leatherati.com wow big step for us. I want to thank Leatherati for accepting us as a legitimate leather organization. I look forward to soon be publishing details about our events and activities. Please check out the site they have lots of good information and links to the leather community.
One last reminder please go to the web site (http:/www/utahleather.org) and vote for the movie you want to see as a group. Sir Creig is going to take it down tonight and post the winning movie and show time.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Weekend Re-Cap

Thanks again to everyone who came out to the Utah Rebellion this year. It was great meeting so many of you. It's clear after this weekend, that there is a need for this group, and I am so proud to be at the start of this. For those of you that couldn't make it, no worries, we will find a way to all meet up. There are some exciting things coming.

boy darin and I got the chance to meet with some of the Utah Bears on friday, and we are going to partnering up for some fundraising and awareness campaigns later on this fall in addition to working on a safety campaign in light of recent events. The details of that will be coming, but if you are interested in possibly helping escort some of these younger guys from the bars and clubs to their cars, please let me know. This senseless violence has got to stop, and Chris Burbank and the Unified Police are behind us 100% on this.

We will also be putting together some fun activities and extra bar nights this fall so keep watching the calendar for more details. We will still be doing our monthly bar night the first friday of every month, and Gene from Try-Angles has graciously agreed to allow us to host this night at his bar.

Also I will be closing the poll tomorrow for movie night, so please vote for your choice. Movie times come out tomorrow so I will post the exact showtime for that once I know. Please let me know if you are really strapped for cash on that and I can see what I can do about some extra passes from work. I really want as many of you to come as possible for that, especially our younger members that aren't yet old enough for our bar nights.

Thanks again for all you do. It was a good weekend and some great things are coming.

Brothers always,

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Another Attack

Hello Everyone, I am sorry to be the barrier of bad news but we have had another attack on a gay man, this time in American Fork. This is the 3 or 4th one in about 3 months. Would anyone be in the group be interested if I was to set up a concealed weapons permit class? It is looking like we need to protect ourselves. Please let me know what everyone thinks.
boy darin

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Hey Everyone, I just wanted to point everyone to a web site that I follow. It is called Leatherati and has a lot of good discussion points and events in the leather community. I highly recommend reading and following the posts and stories.

Rebellion just days away

So I know I speak for boy boy darin and myself when I say I am eagerly counting down the days to Rebellion. It's so nice to meet up with other leather folk and reconnect with the people I have come to love, respect and trust in this community. I want to remind everyone that the Meet and Greet on Friday night is absolutely free to attend and doesn't require a separate ticket. I really would love to see you all there so you can get a feel for what the leather community is about and meet some people who are really we'll respected in the community. The meet and greet will be at the Trapp from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM and boy darin and I will both be there. If you have any questions about the event, feel free to contact us at boydarin@utahleather.org or SirCreig@utahleather.org

See you there!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Please help support WaMboL

Good afternoon everyone. I hope you are enjoying the site and find it a little easier to navigate than the yahoo group. boy darin and I have been hard at work getting things going and we are almost there. I have begun the process of getting our organization 501(c)3 status so that we can operate and grow without huge cost to boy darin and I and to you, the members.

As we move forward one of the things we are going to roll out is paid memberships. What that means to you, is that as a community member wanting to gain information and learn more, we are here for you at no additional cost. Our primary goal is education and service and that will always be available to anyone who asks.

What does a paid membership entail? Paid members of the club are the lifeblood of the organization. They will hold all the voting rights regarding club business, be the attendees of our annual club only retreats and represent our organization in the community. I would encourage all of you to look over the by-laws of the club to see what the various membership levels have to offer. I have posted a link for a membership application at the bottom of the website. Here is a bit of a breakdown on what the fees cover. The $50 application fee basically covers the cost of your vest patch and friendship pins. The $25 Full Membership and $15 Associate membership fees will cover incidental expenses for the club such as booth space at pride, marketing costs for annual events etc. I hope that you take some time to think about full membership or Associate membership with us and please let either myself of boy darin know if you have any questions.

Thanks again for all your support.
Brothers always

Gear Night

Good Morning Everyone;
Thanks to everyone that came out to Gear Night last night. It was great meeting everyone and great conversation. Thad even had a little more fun then the rest of us (wink). Look forward to seeing everyone next weekend at the Utah Rebellion, if not next month at Try-Angles. Put it on your calendar as the first Friday of the month.
boy darin

Friday, September 2, 2011

Q Salt Lake Article

Hello Everyone, just wanted to post the link to the Q Salt Lake story that was written about Creig and I and information about the Utah Rebellion. Here is the link. http://qsaltlake.com/2011/09/01/utah-rebellion-serves-as-gathering-for-leather-l\ overs/
Seth Bracken did a great job and thank you so much. I hope this will give us a boost in membership in the club.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Welcome to the New Utahleather.org

Greetings Leather Men and boys!

I am so excited to be launching the OFFICIAL site of the Wasatch Men and boys of Leather. boy darin and I have been working hard to get this club up and running and we finally have a place where the public can interact with us and get information and members can have private discussions and plan events. Please bear with us as we continue to grow and develop this site. If you notice any problems with page loads etc please email admin@utahleather.org to let us know of the problem.

Thanks for all of your support and again, WELCOME!